
Showing posts from April, 2022

Go for Dental Implants if you Find These 3 Signs

If you are tired of dealing with your dentures and have considered dental implants as an alternative to tooth replacement options, visit the dentist in Spokane and consider dental implants. A dental implant is a permanent replacement for a missing tooth that attaches to your jawbone, providing a sturdy base for a dental crown. With proper care and regular visits to the  hygienist wellington , you will be able to regain the ability to smile confidently, knowing that there are no longer any visible signs of your missing teeth. Following are three signs that you might need dental implants. Do You Need A Dental Implant? Over 3 million Americans have already been treated with dental implants. But the very first days after surgery might not be so smooth and easy, especially if you are one of those people who are sensitive to pain. If we understand this correctly, your dentist will give you a prescription for some pills that could reduce your discomfort through  Cracked Teeth  b...

Wisdom teeth removal: how does surgery work?

  Wisdom teeth are the teeth at the very back of the mouth that usually come through in your late teenage years. Sometimes if there isn’t enough room in your mouth for your wisdom teeth to come through properly these teeth can cause problems and may have to be removed. How do I know if I need my wisdom teeth removed? Most people have four wisdom teeth, however, not everyone develops these teeth. Wisdom teeth only need to be removed if they cause problems in your mouth. Not every person needs to have their wisdom teeth removed and you may only experience problems with one or two of your teeth. Wisdom teeth can cause mouth pain when they initially come through your gums. However, if your teeth have already come through and are still causing pain or bite problems it may be time to have them removed. Why do wisdom teeth need to be removed? Wisdom teeth need to be removed when they are impacting other teeth. There may be a lack of space in your mouth for your wisdom teeth to come throug...

Braces 101: What to Expect When Getting Braces

  The short space of time you will wear braces for is worth a lifetime of having a great smile and well-aligned teeth. To prepare yourself for getting braces, we’ve put together this blog post which covers everything you should know about your orthodontic journey.   Before getting braces Braces don’t just improve the look of your smile.  Braces  are often recommended by a dentist to correct teeth, jaw, and bite alignment issues and improve the oral health of your teeth.   Before getting braces, there may be some dental work you need to have done first. This could include getting teeth removed so that your teeth are not impacting others during the straightening process.   Your dentist should talk you through what dental work needs to be done before you get braces. At Gentle Dental, we aim to only remove teeth if it is absolutely necessary for the patient.  Your dentist should also have a rough timeline for how long you will need to have braces for your ...

Invisalign Vs Braces – The Pros & Cons Of Each

  W hen it comes to straightening your teeth, you’ll always want to take the course of treatment that’s best for you. There are several methods of achieving straight teeth, all of which have their pros and cons. Invisalign® and braces are two of the most popular methods, and both have distinctive characteristics that set them apart. We break down the pros and cons of each for you here in the hopes that we can help you make a more informed decision when you take the plunge and decide which teeth straightening method is right for you. Braces Traditional braces are an apparatus made of brackets and wires that stretch over your teeth, gradually bringing them into alignment over time. Though they are visible on the teeth, modern braces are far less conspicuous than they used to be owing to the fact that the brackets (the the part that adheres to the tooth) are much smaller than they were in the past. Gentle Dental also offers white ceramic braces, making them even less conspicuous. Pros...

Why Bad Teeth May Cause Serious Health Problems

Failing to look after your teeth can cause health problems other than just tooth pain. Poor oral health can make you sick, affect your overall well-being and exacerbate existing health conditions. Going to the dentist only if you’re in pain can put you at risk. When you take care of your teeth, you are investing in your overall health. Here’s why tooth decay and other oral health problems can lead to more serious issues in your body. How rotten teeth can cause health problems A rotten or decaying tooth is a symptom of bacteria attacking your teeth. When bacteria builds up in the mouth it can spread to other places in the body, not to mention other teeth, and cause infections.  An infection in the mouth can cause a tooth abscess, which can lead to the loss of your tooth. An abscess is a painful collection of pus and can occur at the tip of the root. They are often caused by cavities in the top or sides of your teeth. Symptoms include: Throbbing and pain in your tooth Sensitivity to ...

Why You Should Deal with a Dental Emergency Quickly?

  We all know what to do if we are injured or sick and need instant treatment. Some will visit the emergency room, and others will go in the ambulance. But what to do in a dental emergency? Your ideal Dentist Near Me might not be available to have a look at you immediately, but it’s necessary to get immediate care. If you face a dental emergency, it’s best to visit an emergency dentist near you for treatment. Knowing the symptoms and severity of your conditions will help you decide the right treatment for you. The faster you get the treatment, the better the outcome you will receive.     What’s Dental Emergency   Dental checkups have routine cleaning, x-rays, and consultation every six months. When you have a dental emergency, you must take immediate action. This is important in addressing the severe pain and discomfort in your mouth that might lead to bleeding gums or fractured teeth.   Reasons for Visiting Emergency Dentistry Many people regularly visit their...

How to maintain your teeth and gums

Tooth decay or gum problems will add more pain in your mouth, problems if not treated. These issues can lead to speech problems, malnutrition, and other health challenges and chain off your work, school, or personal life. People can save themselves from these problems by taking proper dental care, both at home and in the dentist’s office. The following practices are best and will keep teeth and gums healthy.   Regular Brushing Most people know that brushing their teeth twice a day is the ideal and important practice. This will remove the unwanted plaque and bacteria from your mouth and keep your teeth clean. However, brushing is only effective if you use the correct technique. People should brush their teeth in small circular motions and clean their toothbrushes from the front side, backside, and top of every tooth. This process will hardly take between 3 and 4 minutes. People should avoid washing their brushes in back-and-forth motions. Brushing too hard or using a hard-bristled t...

What can you do after a tooth extraction?

  After effects of an extraction You will notice some bleeding for a day after the tooth extraction. The area of the extraction and face may swell up for a couple of days. You will feel the pain when chewing your food, and this is absolutely normal to experience some discomfort and pain. There will be a hole in your gums after tooth extraction, and this hole will be covered within a couple of weeks. Tooth extraction will leave a wound inside your mouth. Therefore you must clean this area regularly.  What to do After the extraction It is important not to rinse your mouth for 24 hours following an extraction, Do not rinse your mouth for the next 24 hours after an extraction. Also, do not touch your extraction socket with your tongue or fingers. The bleeding can be controlled with the help of gauze. Place it in the area for at least 20 minutes. You should also avoid exercise for a couple of days. There must be no moment around the extracted area.   After the first day You...