5 possible reasons of toothaches

Dental cavities or broken teeth are among the most common forms of tooth decay. They're formed when acid dissolves the enamel layer in a tooth, which causes tiny holes to form inside the teeth. Usually, cavities aren't very painful until you have a complex cavity or one spread inside your tooth deeper than the protective coating around your nerve. The Wellington Dentists always give you the ideal solutions for this unbearable pain.

Tooth decay

While toothaches are quite common in New Zealand, the causes can vary and may be due to a variety of factors. One such factor is tooth decay. The issue of dental health among children was recently brought to light when information about the most common chronic illness among New Zealand school children was released in a study published in the New Zealand Medical Journal. In the study, it was revealed that not only is tooth decay common, but it's an issue that affects 40% of Kiwi kids at some point during their lifetime!

The toothache might be inflammation of the tooth tissue due to acidic buildup. There might have been a buildup of sugar plague for long periods. It is a resin that sticks to the teeth, leading to decay and cavities and bacteria causing pain during eating. After some research, it seems like there is so much information now about how you can prevent dental issues and war pain when eating anything by readjusting your diet, taking vitamins, or exercising.

Teeth grinding

Grinding your teeth, or bruxism, is an unconscious habit. Typically caused by stress, grinding your teeth can irreversibly damage the structural integrity of your teeth and lead to fracture or chipping. Doing so repetitively isn't good for you, either. However, suppose there are pain and discomfort that comes along with grinding one's teeth. In that case, it's important to get this fixed quickly because it could lead to other issues like TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder), chronic migraines, and sleep apnea, which will cause further issues in the future!

Abscess tooth

When left untreated for extended periods, a tooth abscess can cause major infections, inflammation of the oral cavity, and pain that may eventually radiate to other parts of your body. An abscessed tooth frequently results when an infected tooth goes unaddressed for an extended period. Although your primary caregiver may call it part of the problem instead of being remembered as a solution to one's pain, a dentist can diagnose such issues far better than most medical specialists since they are trained in individualized solutions. Before scheduling your recommended treatment, your dentist may first suggest over-the-counter medication to temporarily reduce inflammation. Brands include Advil and Tylenol.

Damaged filling

Fillings keep your teeth from falling apart. They make them almost as good as new, but the chance that one will hit the floor remains the same even if you get one for free. Besides, it may be time to get new ones soon because they typically wear down a bit over time (or fall out of their own accord!), and some say it is wise to have a spare at hand if you want to replace them yourself (with super glue, perhaps?).

Repetitive motions

Sugarless chewing gum is the best way to keep your teeth clean and increase saliva flow. When you cannot brush your teeth or reach for dental floss after meals, chewing gum keeps your breath fresh and removes tooth-decaying particles of food. It's also a good way to relieve the pressure built up around your teeth by eating crispy, crunchy snacks.

If you're searching for a Dentist Wellington from which you can get professional dental care for toothache, then turn to Gentle Dental, as these best Wellington Dentists will be able to provide everything necessary to help ease your broken tooth.

Source URL: https://www.gentledental.co.nz/



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